Celestial Spheres - Heavenly Bodies in Motion. Lush, evolving, deep movement that is beautiful in its simplicity and complexity - that is the theme of our first venture in sound libraries for Halion. Celestial Spheres is full of evolving sounds, whether they are keyscapes punctuated with delicate attack transients, fusing beautiful, otherwordly exotic alien keys layered with back drops of moving musical textures, or full blown lush ambient soundscapes suitable for epic soundtracks covering all the majestic electronic and beautiful ambient realms while also ready to infuse evocative trance scenes or euphonic color into modern productions.
That said, Celestial Spheres for Steinberg's Halion 6 is full fledged sound library, covering a diverse assortment of patch categories -- from ambient soundscapes to modern leads, plucks, and basses. Whether your crafting epic soundtracks or other ambient scenery and your productions need Soundscapes, Lush Evolving Sounds, Atmospheric Pads and Keys, or your producing the latest contemporary electronic music in need of of seriously deep and solid snappy basses, or highly unique contemporary leads or plucks, Celestial Spheres has you covered. It was designed to be inclusive and cater to just about any contemporary productions, with many dozens of highly unique, quality presets for each category.
The Celestial Spheres Sound Library contains 438 programs/presets using pure synthesis and multi-samples (including original Nord 2 Lead samples). Furthermore, the presets can be divided into two categories and can be purchased separately. The Atmospheres Library (Pads, Soundscapes, Keys, Musical FX, Synth Choirs) and the Electronica Library (Leads, Plucks, Basses, Keys, Formant Choirs). Both are hybrid sound libraries containing original multi sampled material that is either layered with other multi-samples, or fused with live synthesis using any of Halion's excellent synthesis methods -- granular, wavetable, or VA. In addition, Celestial Spheres also includes original Nord Lead 2 multi-samples in addition to many dozens of unique, completely synthesized Halion instruments.

Optonal: Celstial Spheres Library Divided By Type
The Celestial Spheres Library may be divided and purchased by type, for your convenience, in 4 ways. More information is available on each libraries page. First choose which platform you will be using and then you have the option to narrow it down by category, if you wish.
Full Library: Halion 6
Purchase Celestial Spheres (Full) Library for Halion: $28.00
ATMOSPHERES LIBRARY (Pads, Soundscapes, Keys, Musical FX, Synth Choirs)
The Atmospheres Library is the Ambient, Cinematic Side of Celestial Spheres and tastefully infuses nearly every type of sound engine within Halion 6, the multi-sampler, granular, wavetable, and synth engines, using unique and original sound sources. The multi-samples were painstakingly key mapped spanning on average about every 4 or 5 keys, though in some situations, every key is mapped. They were then tastefully programmed and enhanced in Halion with added filters, effects and macros. Nearly every patch also blends in live synthesis to keep things even more alive and interesting, using any of Halion's outstanding synth engines: Auron, Trium, Skylab, Voltage and Anima. The patches themselves are diverse, some are simple and elegant, while being highly unique, while others are vastly more complex and evolving -- layering many multi-samples with either/or granular or wavetable engines in addition to many layers of live synthesis. As a bonus, a few dozen instruments use Nord Lead 2 sound sources for some keys and choirs.
Atmospheres Library: Halion 6
Purchase Celestial Spheres (Atmospheres) Library for Halion: 29.99$

ELECTRONICA LIBRARY (Leads, Plucks, Basses, Keys, Formant Choirs)
The electronica, energy side, likewise has the exact same qualities, in addition to a special treat for Halion 6. Celestial Spheres includes unique, multi-sampled Nord Lead 2 patches that were painstakingly recorded, note by note, and key mapped key by key. They then received the same love and were enhanced within Halion's engine with filters, envelopes, effects, granularized, modulated, stacked, and layered with live synthesis. This resulted in some outstanding and exceptional basses and plucks to include in your Halion arsenal. In addition, there are many dozens of fully synthesized programs, especially for the leads to ensure maximum playability and fluidity. A dozen or so patches multi-sampled every key and at multiple velocities.
Electronica Library: Halion 6
Purchase Celestial Spheres (Electronica) Library for Halion: 29.99$
NORD LIBRARY (Plucks, Keys, Basses, Choirs)
The Celestial Spheres (Nord) Library contains only the instruments using the Nord 2 Lead Recordings within the sound library. There are 85 Instruments in total, including many Raw versions where the instrument contains only one layer with minimal effects. The rest are stacked Nord 2 Lead Instruments and/or a fusion with live synthesis. The majority of the Instruments includes plucks, basses, keys, choirs, and a few leads and musical textures.
Nord Library: Halion 6
Purchase Celestial Spheres (Nord) Library for Halion: 14.99$

Celestial Spheres is available for Halion 6 and Halion Sonic 3, and for the fee edition of Halion Sonic SE. The Halion and Halion Sonic editions are 99.5 percent identical, soundwise. The Halion version, however, allows more than 4 effects to be stack per bus and one is able to dive deeper into the program layers architecture. About a dozen patches in Halion contain a brickwall limiter that is not found in its other counterparts.
Celestial Spheres is available as a full library for Halion 6 /Halion Sonic and contains all 438 presets and 3.55 GB of original material. It is also available categorically split by type -- the celestial (ambient) side or the sphere (electronica) side , to cater more specifically to individual preference. Both sides contain elements of the other for a more rounded library, in addition to splitting the nord samples between them, though a predominantly larger portion is found in the electronica side. That said, in case anyone is simply interested the Nord 2 Lead samples, that too is available as its own bank. Purchasing the bank in full is of course the greater value. Lastly, any purchased library, either full or a part, will give you access to all of formats. If you bought the full library for Halion, the other formats would be available to you as well, the Halion Sonic or Halion Sonic SE version.

Halion 6 will give you the most direct control to get in depth with the library and tweak every facet of the sound. The Halion 6 version literally opens up hundreds of parameters not available in the other platforms, in addition to many layers of assigned macros. To get the most out of Celestial Spheres, the Halion 6 platform is highly recommended. It also does not have a 4 insert FX limit per bus, which Halion Sonic and SE do. The only potential sound difference between the Halion and Halion Sonic platforms, is about half a dozen patches contain a limiter not found in its Halion Sonic counterpart. Furthermore, it is possible to load a Halion Sonic/SE library in Halion 6, but it is not possible to load a Halion Library in Halion/SE.
Anyone purchasing any bank will be able to download any and all platfoms. For instance, if you purchase the Halion Full Library, the Halion Sonic and SE libraries are yours as well.
Both libraries for Halion and Halion Sonic contain 438 instruments. The Halion Sonic SE version contains less patches (394) since the patches using all synthesis with Voltage and Auron could not be transferred. The patches that are all synthesis were mainly in the lead category. Because there are less patches, the SE versions are 5$ less.

Full Library
438 Halion/Sonic/SE Instruments/Presets
⦁ 3.55 Gigabyte of samples (48kHz/ 16-24-bit/stereo).
⦁ 85 Nord 2 patches (Including its Raw, Dry Version)
⦁ Over 200 Unique Multi-Sampled Sound Sources
⦁ Over 4400 Samples (.wav)
⦁ Over 50 Entirely Unique Halion Synthesis Patches (Namely, Leads)
⦁ Delivery: Download - RAR-archive in 1-7 parts in rar format for better download handling
⦁ Download size - 350MB - 2.7 GB - Very fast download speeds (Unlimited number of downloads)
⦁ Custom Wavetables embedded in patches

Patch Breakdown
⦁ Basses 83
⦁ Chromatic Perc 3
⦁ Drums and Perc 4
⦁ Plucked 47
⦁ Keys 64
⦁ Musical FX (Soundscapes/Motion) 49
⦁ Sound Fx 8
⦁ Synth Comp 3
⦁ Synth Lead 57
⦁ Synth Pad 92
⦁ Vocal 15
⦁ Woodwinds 13
All patches meticulously tagged and divided by category and sub category and genre. Patches are assigned extensive quick controls and Modulation Wheel for quick access and playability.
Easy Installation : Simply Download, Extract To Location of Choice (or default Steinberg Location) and double click the VSTSOUND file to register the Library in Halion's Library Manager. The library is registered and able to be used in the media bay with its own library icon.
Julian Barros
There are only a hand full of sound designers that I like and you are one of them. Really great work! The previous soundsets I bought from you have been absolutely amazing so I really look forward to check out the rest of them.
replydavid jhon
I have one of your Thorne libraries so far and really loving it. Lucky me, i own Omnisphere2 as well, so this one will be a no brainer instabuy. It's clear that you know, what you do. Quality electronic sounds with strong feel of heritage of all the great psychedelic vibes and also a unique step up, modern approach. I like how complex most of the patches, let be an arp or a texture. It's inspirational. Nowadays the market is full with the same old stuff over and over, but Touch The Universe truly is an oasis nowadays. Congratulation and PLEASE KEEP DOING WHAT YOU DO!